“O Feitiço da Língua” was a group exhibition held at Galeria Refresco from November 18 to 25, 2023. The show featured 15 different artists or collectives, including 3 selected through the open call promoted by FACA. The exhibition resulted from Refresco’s selection as one of the activation sites for the 12th Brazilian Agroecology Congress (CBA). The show aims to reflect on and unfold themes surrounding the Congress’s motto: “Agroecologia na Boca do Povo.” The group exhibition also seeks to address questions related to ideas such as transmission, transversality, and dialect. The artists featured in “O Feitiço da Língua” are Ana Kamper, Artesãs Quilombolas do Sapê do Norte, Benoit Fournier, Bruno Lyfe, Diego Guayo, Iah Bahia, Lohana Montelo, Lorena Portela, Maria Ambuá, Izabella Coelho, Martha Mikaus, Mayra Karvalho, Ricardo dos Santos, Rubens Takamine, Tuca Mello, and Varone.